Local Stories from the Nashville Voyager: Check Out Shannon Santerelli Freeman’s Story

I am truly honored to share that I was interviewed again by the Nashville Voyager! This time, I had the opportunity to dive deeper into my personal journey and the work I’m passionate about—helping women break free from burnout.

During our conversation, I explored not only my experiences but also the importance of community and support. It’s amazing to see how the right network and mentorship can transform both your business and personal life.

In Nashville, I’ve witnessed firsthand how connection fosters growth. Together, we can empower each other to thrive, overcome challenges, and embrace our true potential.

I’m excited to share these insights and inspire others to take the leap toward a more fulfilled life. Thank you, Nashville Voyager, for providing a platform to share my story! You can check out the full article here.

Love & Balance,


P.S. If you’re ready to tackle burnout and enhance your well-being, consider joining my 90-Day Balancing Brilliance program. Each journey is personalized to ensure your success. Click here to learn more and get started!


From Exhausted to Energized: Overcoming and Avoiding Burnout with Bold Journey Magazine